miércoles, 12 de agosto de 2009

Succinctly and simplistically

Haiku is a form of traditional Japanese poetry, which gained independence and its own right to stand alone (up to that period haiku was considered to be the starting verse in a much longer poem) in the mid 19th century.

Haiku is structured as a 17-syllable verse consisting of three metrical units of 5, 7, and 5 syllables...

Google and read more about haiku and its fascinating history, techniques, themes, musicality and cadence and learn about its most representative (traditional and modern) authors both in Japan and other countries.

So, start writing your own haiku and share their beauty and profound simplicity with the world.

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La Habana, Cuba, Los Ángeles, Estados Unidos
Nacido en La Habana, Cuba, el 3 de diciembre de 1960. Emigra a Estados Unidos en 1980, a través del éxodo masivo de Mariel. Ganador de numerosos concursos de poesía, literatura y ensayo en Cuba y Estados Unidos. Publica su primer poemario, "Insomnia" en 1988, con gran acogida por parte de la crítica especializada y el público. Considerado por críticos y expertos como uno de los poetas fundamentales y representativos de la llamada Generación del Mariel junto a Reinaldo Arenas, Jesús J. Barquet, Rafael Bordao, Roberto Valero y otros.