To my dear friend and back savior, John Ciambotti... May you rest in peace.

(With audio in the voice of the author)
Barely ten days
we were chatting
exchanging jokes
sharing laugher...
I always admired
that beautifully
Italo-angelic face of yours
even the thick
unruly brows
and the white as snow
impishly patriarchal
Your smile
was the best part
it placed you
in a different
more pliable dimension
where your good heart
and your humanity
shone selflessly
side by side.
I would like
my memories of you
to take up residence
in that most gentile
dimension of your being.
Knowing you
is knowing
you will still be around
in essence and in deed
in spite of fire
and sorrow
for you remain
with no effort
in every note you
in every bone
you adjusted
in every soul
you touched...
(Activate if you wish to listen to this poem in the voice of its author. You can turn blog audio off if it interferes with your listening)