lunes, 31 de agosto de 2009



irreverent god


of cold


and darkness

arms multiplied

in barbaric prayer

to the sky

heads everywhere

aimlessly devouring all paths

while sowing

a future promise

of feasting greens

and peaceful meadows


by land and by air

swift and beautiful

as a luminous, omnipresent

wild stallion

ridding gloriously

over the choked, vanquished,

blood red-stained horizon

in a gallop of roaring might

and exploding embers:

primeval, immemorial,

ritualistic crackling symphony


of uncanny


morbidly unspoken


'Station fire' claims courageous firefighters

Their identities finally made public, firefighters Tedmund Hall and Arnaldo Quiñones became the first victims claimed by the still raging 'Station Fire' at Angeles National Forrest.

With full containment projected by September 15 at the earliest and conditions changing literally on a minute to minute basis, news of the death of these two courageous men has prompted renewed calls for the allocation of more resources and the launching of an investigation into the circumstances of these two deaths. Reinforcements and more fire equipment are arriving constantly around the clock, including manpower and land and air vehicular support from all over the United States and Canada. There have also been offers of assistance from the governments of countries with firefighting experience such as Australia, France and Russia.

Again, our heartfelt condolences and a sincere THANK YOU to the families of these two heroic firefighters that made the ultimate sacrifice in the fulfillment of their responsibilities and THANK YOU as well to all the brave women and men that are risking their lives while battling this horrendous and tenacious fire. God bless!

'Station Fire' continues to rage at Angeles National Forest. Two firefighters die tragically.

The so called 'Station Fire' that started over four days ago continues to rage out of control at the Angeles National Forest at this time, as the tragic news of the death of two Los Angeles Fire Department firefighters casts an even gloomier shadow over current efforts to contain and put out the monstrous, slow-moving fire. Thousands of residents from the areas of La Cañada Flintridge, La Crescenta, Northern Glendale and Altadena have already been evacuated or are on notice to evacuate. The identities of the two deceased firefighters have not yet been released. Our deepest sympathy to the families of this two heroic men and Godspeed to all firefighters and personnel working in the affected areas.

domingo, 30 de agosto de 2009

Tale of a likely fiction

The thick, moist clouds yielded. The image of the sun was a vermeil radiant halo in the annulus behind the perforated shadow of the eclipse. It lasted nine and a half hastily made revolutions of the moon on its axis before it happened. Then Luna fell onto itself, gliding heavily and otherwise motionless over the defeated angle of its deceased orbit.

He arrived very precisely, at the genesis itself of one of those grandiose, irreversible planetary moments. The agitated Earth welcomed Him with the feigned artifice of hurricanes and absurd seaquakes. The flustered wind hummed through the denuded branches of the trees. It sang its passing in strange choruses in a long-ago demised language of Aramaic tediousness.

The Pyramid –suspended by a phantasmal whirlwind of Pharisee soothsayers– flew over the inert domes of Jerusalem. Its mutilated vertex –eroded by millennia of sandstorms– pointed in the direction of Rome (plunderer of the temples that in ancient Egypt paid homage to His other form in the likeness of Amun-Ra, the truest of all his representations. This representation preceded all of the gnosis of all the cosmogonies tacked over the walls of countless pagodas and ziggurats.

This gnosis extended further, reaching the beaches that gnawed the Hellenic mediumnity of the oracles erected in Delphi and Samothrace; reaching yet beyond, to the cosmic exactness of the prophecies formulated by the magic of the hierophants –those who saw the future drawn ominously over the exquisitely sculpted constellations adorning the face of the Zodiac of Denderah–.

Above all, this gnosis generated all the power and all the promise made by the stern and divine scourge that forever marked the lightning-whipped back of the stones at Canaan.

The forgotten Buddhas did not split in half nor did the pages of the Book of Confucius set themselves aflame. There were neither ascetics nor Tibetan lamas kneeling down or stretched prone on their palms, facing the floor; nor did the Amerindians of the High Peruvian Plateau revive their tracing bonfires amongst the ruins of Sacsayhuamán that crown Cuzco or to guide the ancient landing site at Nazca.

There was no flying by Hindustani vimanas or the Anunnaki or by feathered serpents belonging to the rich pre-Columbian pantheons of Chichén Itzá and Tenochtitlán. And no dead virgins –unresurrected– moaned with dutiful thankfulness inseminated, as they were, by the grace of these surprised, disconcerted fallen angels. Fallen angels (in the ancient tongue, Nephilim) that by such actions were attempting to impregnate His arrival with resounding apotheosis throughout the four corners of the world (and succeeded in principle indeed by staging the most elaborate show of astral superstardom and galactic vedettism).

He descended when Mars and Jupiter were visible in the diffuse light of the tarnished sky. The stars of Lyra gifted the heavens with the formation of an iridescent seven-petal fleur-de-lis –like those adorning long ago the shields of Rolland and Charlemagne at the cliffs at Roncesvalles and still before graced the beautifully detailed doors of the Great Library of Alexandria –saved from the ire of Alexander of Macedonia during the siege that destroyed the Thebes of Boeotia and brought to Egypt fifty years later by royal order of the first of the Ptolemaic kings–.

There were no clamoring multitudes at this descent nor did the acquitted just walk alongside Him. Neither Veronicas nor Magdalenes offered him the comfort of their coarse shawls. And neither did thieves nor regretful panders flank with remorseful respect His entourage.

He was received by the stomped out silence overflowing the semi-ruined portico covering the dusty stone steps to an empty synagogue. The doors opened as if by magic. The lights of the menorah danced, revivified, casting a luminous glow over the ten tablets that in ancient times dictated the fallacy of another world.

He understood then for certain that neither His magnanimity nor His sentencing nor ire would yield any effect, verdict or remedy. He knew, in this mindful instant, that this minute of time torn from the impassiveness of the stars would be forever, paralyzed in the uselessness of His own solitary existence. He learned then that man, abandoned in the hour of his most fervent and harsh struggle had stopped loving, deserting all hope.

In the midst of the contractions of the dying, aborting planet, He knelt. He then cried, over the corpse of the Earth, the lateness of His arrival. Then he ascended silently, sublimed in the sadness of all absences.

sábado, 29 de agosto de 2009

Magnificent vestiges of the Mayan civilization

Mayan pyramid at Chichén Itzá, Yucatán, México
Preserved Mayan Codices
Ruins at the Mayan city of Tulum, Quintana Roo, México

December 21, 2012: Doomsday?

The Mayan or Mesoamerican Long Count calendar ends (according to some calculations) on December 21, 2012.

Pseudo-theories and predictions dealing with what will happen on that date abound. They range from forecasting the dawning of a 'new age' and the gaining of a higher level of consciousness and grace by Humanity to the utter destruction of the planet by either electromagnetic pole reversal, by direct impact or cosmic influence of Planet X -known as Nibiru in esoteric and occultist circles- or by the unique planetary alignment that will supposedly take place at the center of our own galaxy, the Milky Way on that day.

Others still see this date as the Day of Judgement or the day the world goes up in flames in the Battle of Armageddon; yet some predict First Contact with an alien superhuman intergalactic species, perhaps the creators who promised to return...

Something to think about...

viernes, 28 de agosto de 2009


Breath of air sailing

in acrobatic mystery


Classically Cuban

Vuelvo a la oralidad

del origen.

Al fruto.

Al jugo.

Al agua.


al sol que pisotea

el desvelo de las nubes

en mi cuna mágica

donde la luna

fue el líquido de un llanto

no prolongado

sino renovado en milenios

de oscuro andar

y lenta duda.

Retorno cubierto de pluralidades.


en los bálsamos de amores tardíos,

de muertes tempranas,

de monumentales fracasos

como el abismo

entre un diente

y otro diente

y el sudor de la lengua

es caricia que lame.

Del pie al vuelo y al agua.

El regreso.

jueves, 27 de agosto de 2009

Poema mudo

De tantas estrellas
el cielo está negro.
A un costado del horizonte ciego
un árbot gravita.
Te recojo en mi mejilla a esta hora,
arrodillado ante mis sueños...
Te recojo, digo
como se toma el frágil cristal
de una rosa pronta
sazonada de espantos
y viejos deseos.
Me voy a los astros
hilvanados en mis dedos,
me voy a la lluvia,
me voy al insomnio,
me voy a cielo reventado
donde la calma
se muere de dolores.
Me voy al parto.
Me voy a la sangre.
Me voy al retiro
de todos los silencios.
Me voy al sexo.
Me voy al pubis.
Me voy al pecho.
Me voy a tu cama
apuntalada de insaciables
Me voy al mar.
Me voy a la sal.
Me voy al pez
y su ojo de agua.
Me voy a la arena.
Me voy a la hora.
Me voy a la cuna.
Me voy a la ubre.
Me voy a la leche.
Me voy...
A ensartar planetas.
A robarle expresiones
a la luna.
A copiar paisajes
de aerolitos
A desangrar cometas.
A dormir
con el tiempo...
Cuando de tantas estrellas
el cielo esté


Picasso tiene tres caras.

La del genio.

La del hombre.

La del dilema.

Tres caras que se abren en tres ojos

-tres ojos-

uno por cada cara,

y en cada ojo

una queja líquida

que borra las tres bocas

en un rictus de terracota mal cocida.

Tres cerebros tiene el poeta.

El de la duda.

El de la musa.

El del olvido.

Tres cerebros que sufren

-por separado y a la vez-

en las tres cabezas que sondean

los senderos arquetípicos

de la gloria,

la inspiración,

y la muerte.

Tres manos para esculpir

-cada dedo una entidad-:

cuarenta y cinco gotas de sangre:

tres por cada independencia,

y los contornos que no se vislumbran


--a golpe de cincel--

en tres piezas deformes

de soberana porquería.

Los franceses tienen tres derechos:




Y la Iglesia su Trinidad

-santísima Trinidad

de Padre,


y Espíritu Santo, per saecula saeculorum-.

Y los tres millones de poetas

que tiene el mundo

arrastran sus tres cabezas

con tres cerebros respectivos,

y las tres manos que esculpen blasfemias

en la orgía de los quince dedos

y las cuarenta y cinco gotas de sangre.

Tres quejas líquidas

están ablandando

los tres rictus de terracota mal cocida.

Tres quejas líquidas

que obedecen tres leyes diferentes.

Tres quejas líquidas


la soledad,

la soberbia,

y la muerte.

miércoles, 26 de agosto de 2009

N.M. Governor Bill Richardson in Havana

Governor Bill Richardson of New Mexico is heading a 5-day trade mission to Cuba to promote New Mexico's agricultural produce and goods (chiefly beef) to Cuban authorities and to "report back" to President Barack Obama's on the current status of US-Cuba relations and the willingness of the Cuban government under Raúl Castro to further seek distention and the possible reestablishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries severed by Washington 48 years ago.


Longtime Massachusetts's Senator Ted Kennedy has succumbed to a terminal brain tumor diagnosed in May of 2008. Senator Kennedy, the most prominent member of the so called 'Kennedy Clan' since the deaths of his brothers President John. F. Kennedy and Senator Robert F. Kennedy was an accomplished and shrew politician known for his capacity and ability to work and negotiate tirelessly on behalf of laws promoting social equality and change and for his inspiring, fiery oratory skills.

Barely two weeks ago Senator Kennedy was present at the funeral and burial ceremonies following the death of his sister, noted humanitarian Eunice Kennedy Shriver. Our sincere regrets and condolences to the Kennedy family a this time of deep sorrow and great solemnity.


For the historically challenged

Plaza de la Revolución, the place so reviled and maligned by Cuban extremists for being the chosen site for the upcoming Juanes's Concierto por la Paz in Havana on September 20 was originally named Plaza Cívica and was finally commissioned, funded and built by none other than Fulgencio Batista himself -after many failed previous attempts- and inaugurated in 1959, just a few months after Castro's revolution, hence the name change.

Contrary to general belief among Cubans (especially exiles), Castro had nothing to do with the project and being one of the largest public squares in the world (72 000 square meters; approximately 216 000 square feet) and its tower the highest man-made structure in Havana (109 meters; 358 feet) it is actually a triumphant symbol of Cuban pre-revolutionary capitalist architecture, enterprise and achievement.

These performers may join Juanes on stage in Havana

Miguel Bosé
Olga Tañón
Amaury Pérez-Vidal
Orquesta Los Van-Van
Silvio Rodríguez

Image by


Image by
Mi foto
La Habana, Cuba, Los Ángeles, Estados Unidos
Nacido en La Habana, Cuba, el 3 de diciembre de 1960. Emigra a Estados Unidos en 1980, a través del éxodo masivo de Mariel. Ganador de numerosos concursos de poesía, literatura y ensayo en Cuba y Estados Unidos. Publica su primer poemario, "Insomnia" en 1988, con gran acogida por parte de la crítica especializada y el público. Considerado por críticos y expertos como uno de los poetas fundamentales y representativos de la llamada Generación del Mariel junto a Reinaldo Arenas, Jesús J. Barquet, Rafael Bordao, Roberto Valero y otros.