domingo, 9 de agosto de 2009

The dying bird

Such dignity in such a small creature.

It trembled in my hand, and then rebelled.

It quieted down and closed its beautiful, febrile eyes.

I felt it breathe and pulsate


death announcing itself in its listless wings

(sleeping little head


in the occasional, subtle ruffling of breast feathers).

Because of you I renew my faith,

I renew my essence.

I regenerate

my capacity to love and to accept

those judgments and verdicts

bestowed upon us

by astral,


unyielding wills

divorced from all rationality



in maintaining the balance,

the status quo

the Universe itself,

its equilibrium.

All I ask

is for you not to suffer,

that you may fly serene and freely

in otherworldly skies…

I ask that you not be devoured

while still alive

by a hapless, hungry beast

tending only

to its own instincts,

and the piercing demands

of self-subsistence


by the foreseeable victory

of thrusting jaws

over flightless feathers.

I ask that I never stop



receiving by giving,

that your memory will beat


in my heart.

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Mi foto
La Habana, Cuba, Los Ángeles, Estados Unidos
Nacido en La Habana, Cuba, el 3 de diciembre de 1960. Emigra a Estados Unidos en 1980, a través del éxodo masivo de Mariel. Ganador de numerosos concursos de poesía, literatura y ensayo en Cuba y Estados Unidos. Publica su primer poemario, "Insomnia" en 1988, con gran acogida por parte de la crítica especializada y el público. Considerado por críticos y expertos como uno de los poetas fundamentales y representativos de la llamada Generación del Mariel junto a Reinaldo Arenas, Jesús J. Barquet, Rafael Bordao, Roberto Valero y otros.